A Diet of Facts is Always Healthy.
Perception Deception

Not Always Reality…

See The Arbitrary And Inevitably Doomed
Exercise Of An Article 1 Constitutional Power
By An Unelected Oligarch

Engaged In Insurrection

Blame Game Shame
Learn the basics of inflation and understand what brought us to where we are now
Promises, Promises
A failure to deliver on this campaign promise that was only contingent on him actually doing it

College Try?
The map above also shows signs of a much more worrisome potential with this most recent presidential election. A possibility, given circumstances stemming from the 2020 race, that should be verified to not have occurred in the 2024 election for President of the United States of America.

Area Dispatch
Visit AreaDispatch.com for exclusive investigative reports, news from around the world, and our take on current issues.
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playing the video below will play the entire Causes: Lost & FOund video series.
A revised version of episode 4 will be
out soon to correct and aid understanding.
We’ve discovered several articles covering
the dedication ceremony on September 22, 1934.
The details of the ceremony don’t cast
Anson’s second confederate Monument in a better light.
In fact, it clearly shows the racial divisions
and true motivations of the ceremony.
Aside from part of a cover story, the racist theme
of the ceremony was likely also ‘giving the finger’
to all workers in North carolina. It appears
the ceremony may have just been an opportunity
to ‘rub’ the failure of the Great strike of 1934
in the faces of all workers in north Carolina.
The workers were unable to gain any ground on
the business owners of North carolina during the strike.
THis is likely because the National Guard was mobilized,
internment camps were erected,
union leaders were held in these camps (to speed the end of the strike),
and north carolina textile workers were unable to be guaranteed
or even allowed restroom breaks during their workday.
See the collection of reports and ‘advertisements’ here:
All For Nothing

More Episodes In A New Format Are Coming Soon…
We Found More
Information That Changes
The Current Written, Accepted History
WE will continue telling the true story
of america’s Southern history
that isn’t currently written.
There are mistakes of the past that we must confront and accept
in order to move forward as a united, stronger nation.
The cause of America’s bloodiest war was FOR
the perpetuation of race-based chattel slavery throughout the SLAVE STATES,
The most terrible thing about War, I am convinced, is its monuments,
–the awful things we are compelled to build in order to remember its victims.
In the South, particularly, human ingenuity
has been put to it to explain on its war monuments, the Confederacy.
Of course, the plain truth of the matter would be an inscription something like this:
‘Sacred to the memory of those who Fought to Perpetuate Human Slavery’
…It does, however, seem to be overdoing the matter
to read on a North Carolina Confederate monument: “Died fighting for Liberty!”
– W.E.B. DuBois
Anson’s True Story

“The spirit of secession is stronger today than ever.
It is now a deeply rooted, devoutly cherished sentiment,
inseparably identified with the ‘lost cause,’ which the half
measures of the government towards the traitors have
helped to cultivate and strengthen.”
– Frederick Douglass
History IS
BEING RE-written
Lost & Found

WE intend to tell the
true story of america’s
Southern history that
isn’t currently written.

“As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated:
my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South,
the attempt in the present condition of the Country would have the effect of retarding,
instead of accelerating its accomplishment; & of continuing, if not adding to,
the difficulties under which the Southern people labour. All I think that can now be done,
is to aid our noble & generous women in their efforts to protect the graves & mark
the last resting places of those who have fallen, & wait for better times.”
– Robert Edward Lee

An Abuse of Power & Likely A Felony:
Understand the crimes
surrounding ‘Track 4’

From the Creator
of Area Dispatch –
Directly above is an edited photo of a sign in front of
the historic Anson County courthouse and Sheriff’s office,
on Washington Street in Wadesboro, NC.
This photo was the first in a chain of events that resulted in a
highly defamatory nationwide broadcast to law enforcement throughout
that I was an armed Islamic extremist on bath salts. An
investigation conducted by the DHS-FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force,
and an almost 10-month court battle
to have the unconstitutional and corrupt charges dismissed.
The initial stop was an abuse of power by the
law enforcement officer that initiated the unconstitutional stop.
The man wearing the badge who stopped my vehicle that day was
David Scott Howell,
the current ‘Sheriff‘ of Anson County, North Carolina.

The appointed Sheriff of Anson County seems to have had an identity crisis over the years. It appears David Scott Howell has chosen to identify as a different ethnicity than what he originally registered to vote when it criminally benefitted him and to now identify with the ethnicity of his original voter registration. It seems highly suspicious and should be further investigated for criminal violations of North Carolina law.
Seeing the conviction of David Scott Burroughs and the shocking crimes he committed,
then the lack of true punishment for those crimes is an indication that
it will happen again with an attempt that corrects Burroughs’ mistakes.
Burroughs could have devastated an innocent man’s life and landed him behind bars for years.
The complete omission of any jail time in his sentence is further evidence of a potentially corrupt judiciary.
Incidents like these cover for the ‘bad apples’ and actually show others within the department,
or employed by the state, WILL cover for these criminals. Others in law enforcement see
careers like this and it shifts their perspectives some,
but even slight movement could be onto a
slippery slope that slides them into criminality.
See Evidence Of The
Apparent Spread Of
Howell‘s Toxic Mentality
Throughout The
Anson County Sheriff’s Office

The Sheriff‘s
Office Scorecard
See How The
Anson County
Sheriff’s Office
Compares To Others
In The State And
Around The Country
The assessment does not look good
for the Sheriff’s Office, their policing methods,
or the likely potential of others
in the county having negative interactions
and horrible experiences
with Howell or his personnel.
Click Here To See Scored Metrics of
How The Anson County Sheriff’s Office
Compares to Others in The State
And Throughout The Country
The ‘Key Findings’
Of The Assessment Performed
During The Previous Administration
Of Sheriff Reid,
With Howell As The Chief Deputy
Per Arrest,
they had
more killings
by police
than *94%* of
ALL U.S. Sheriff

“50% of ALL arrests
were for low-level,
non-violent offenses
from 2013-21.”
See & Hear Just
Some Of The
Evidence Against
Anson’s Sheriff!
Every citizen of Anson County should be
able to review any demotion, dismissal,
or suspension for a disciplinary action while working
as an employee of North Carolina government,
especially if they were appointed to an
elected position in very suspicious ways.
Of course, somehow the decision would be
made to forego an election.
Has Anson County given an estimate on how much they saved,
if anything, to ‘sell out’ democracy?
All voters should know what he has done
in the line of duty, and how it appears
he has been able to avoid accountability for his actions
throughout the time he has
hidden behind a badge.
This same avoidance of accountability has continued from
his time with the North Carolina Highway Patrol,
and has shown to be persistent since
near the start of his tenure with the Sheriff’s office.
Anson County deserves
someone who will enforce the law with integrity and compassion,
not violence and corruption.
One of the BIGGEST problems in our country today!
Let’s take our country back
from the oligarchs!
Take A Stand
With US
Against The
Citizens United

How did America’s
‘Top Residential Lender’
become the
#1 VA Lender
#1 FHA Lender?
Originally Posted In 2022:
The obvious exploitation of VA Home loan programs
and gaps in laws has positioned Freedom Mortgage Corporation
to prey on veterans with rising interest rates
that could push many of the over 500,000 veterans’ families
that have become entangled with
Freedom Mortgage Corporation’s unsettling practices
over the past eight years.
This will work to constantly pressure into foreclosure
with the shocking interest payment increases.


It’s a start


The Division (of Consumer Affairs)
found that Freedom Mortgage
violated the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act (“CFA”),
the Advertising Regulations,
and the Telemarketing Do Not Call Law
and related regulations by:
- making unsolicited telemarketing sales calls to consumers
despite not being registered with the Division as a telemarketer; - engaging in abusive and deceptive telemarketing practices,
primarily involving multiple refinancing solicitations; - engaging in “bait-and-switch” sales tactics, such as
inducing consumers to refinance their loans at lower rates
only to raise the rates after consumers sign the refinancing documents; - failing to timely disburse payments from escrow;
- failing to apply consumers’ mortgage loan payments in a timely manner,
or at all, resulting in negative credit reporting for consumers, as well as late fees; - failing to timely issue escrow refunds to consumers; and
- failing to respond to consumer inquiries with accurate information.
Are the
walls closing in?
Probably not considering the players involved…
How did America’s
‘Top Residential Lender’
become the
#1 VA Lender
#1 FHA Lender?
In 2021, Freedom Mortgage Corporation
captured over 23% of the
VA IRRRL market out of
1224 eligible lenders IN the market.
Our analysis of available data from the VA
has highlighted serious points of concern.
There was an apparent company-wide business initiative
implemented by this massive mortgage lender
to exploit programs that are meant to help veterans.
Yes, they ARE stealing from VETERANS!
Often called a “streamline” refinance,
the IRRRL mortgages appear to have been
exploited by Freedom Mortgage Corporation
as one piece of a two-part (possibly more) plan
to potentially defraud hundreds of thousands
of US veteran homeowners.
See more on this devious scheme at
The loan data below shows the VA IRRRL (Interest Rate Reduction Refinance loans) that were guaranteed by Freedom mortgage corporation OVER THE LAST SEVEN YEARS

A Compromising Flaw?

Docutech Launches Solex– an eSign platform designed for Digital Mortgage
Another Area Dispatch Analysis…
the Mortgage Loan Originators listed Below were able to walk into a job
to complete six months of training to become a licensed MLO,
then pass the test to obtain their licenses within one month.
THey beat the odds in obtaining their licenses even within three months of being hired,
with minimal or a complete lack of relevant work experience in the industry,
and passed a test that fails almost 50% of everyone that takes it the first time.
The dates in red received their licenses the month after hire with freedom mortgage Corporation;
the dates in yell0w received theirs within three months of hire with freedom mortgage.
Previous experience is listed to confirm.
The overwhelming majority had no finance industry experience,
only a few with possible mortgage ‘industry’ experience,
and all of these people passed a test that normally has a failure rate of almost 50% on the first attempt.
These were also the first 50 checked .

The Back-End…

From the
article above:
“MSRs gain value
as interest rates rise,
in part because
upward-bound rates
cause mortgage refinancing
to slow to a crawl.
That reduces mortgage-prepayment speeds —
increasing the effective long-term yield
of the servicing rights
tied to those loans.”
from Area Dispatch:
The value of an MSR portfolio would also increase
with rising interest rates……if the portfolio was composed
of many (or any) adjustable-rate mortgageS,
ESPECIALLY if it was disproportionately composed of
these types of mortgages. The VA has not yet provided
the requested information on a ‘breakout’
of adjustable or fixed interest rates
with the mortgages.
Either they don’t track
this level of detail
or we’re being ignored.
💲💰Business Is Good for thieves💰💲

“Stanley Middleman, founder and CEO of Freedom Mortgage,
has bought a 16.25% ownership stake of the Philadelphia Phillies.
Pending necessary Major League Baseball approvals,
the transaction is expected to close in July.
The stake is worth
approximately $455 million,
according to Forbes.
The Phillies have been appraised at a reported
$2.8 billion for the purposes of this transaction.”
Following the link in the picture of the mural will take you to more information on Scott Nurkin,
the artist behind this mural and many others like it around the state.

Learn about the amazing career success of an Anson County native who played his way into music history.
This is the often misstated and misunderstood story of the man born Fulton Allen in either 1903, 1904, or 1907.
He became widely known as ‘Blind Boy Fuller.’
Remember this being taught in school? Probably not.

State and local governments worked against the strikers’ efforts in Southern states (primarily NC, SC, & GA) throughout the three-week nationwide strike. Union workers in the Northeast were successful in obtaining their strike goals, but the Southern states gained no ground when they were striking for things like restroom breaks and a meal break during their shift. There were other issues with the duties of laid off workers (Great Depression down-sizing) being reassigned to remaining workers without pay increases.
Select one of the papers for more information
on the Great (Textile) Strike of 1934 that started in North Carolina
with 65,000 textile workers walking off the job on strike.
North Carolina initiated the nationwide strike on Labor Day
(September 3) of 1934.

Below is a collage of memes
that were spread on various social media
platforms and were actually created
as part of a massive
Russian PsyOp (Psychological Operation)
that is undoubtedly still active:

Just a few years ago, shortly after Russia invaded Crimea in 2014, the American evangelist Franklin Graham wrote admiringly, in his father’s magazine, of Putin’s efforts to protect children from the “propaganda of homosexuality.”
The 2014 Sochi Olympics had just ended, and the United States had included gay athletes like Billie Jean King in its official delegation to the games—in part, a rebuke to a law passed in Russia the year before that made it illegal to equate same-sex relationships with heterosexual ones.
Calling Vladimir Putin’s presence at the Olympics “commanding,” Graham chastised President Barack Obama and lauded the Russian president. “Isn’t it sad,” Graham wrote, “that America’s own morality has fallen so far that on this issue—protecting children from any homosexual agenda or propaganda—Russia’s standard is higher than our own?” As a bonus, Graham added, Putin was supporting the Assad regime in Syria in order to protect persecuted Christians.
“In my opinion, Putin is right on these issues,” he (Graham) wrote.
Compliant Fool?
“…Very much appreciate that
President Putin is protecting
Russian young people
against homosexual propaganda,”
Graham told Russian newspaper
Moskoviskij Komsomolets,
according to a translation
by Right Wing Watch.
“If only to give them the opportunity to grow up
and make a decision for themselves. Again,
homosexuals cannot have children,
they can take other people’s children.”
Franklin Graham Praises ‘Gay Propaganda’ Law,
Critizes US ‘Secularism’ In Russia Visit
Constitution Corner
-Fifth Amendment-
No person shall be held to answer for a capital,
or otherwise infamous crime,
unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury,
except in cases arising in the land or naval forces,
or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger;
nor shall any person be subject for the same offence
to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb;
nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself,
nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy
the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury
of the State and district wherein the crime shall have
been committed, which district shall have been
previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature
and cause of the accusation; to be confronted
with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process
for obtaining witnesses in his favor,
and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defence,
promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and our Posterity,
do ordain and establish this Constitution FOR the United States of America.

(Either of the images above
or below can also BE USED)