This one should only need the image below of the
Republican candidate for President’s Schedule A
accompanying the Form 1040 filed
for his final year in office, 2020.
See More On The INDIVIDUAL 1 Page
Still missing what
should be there?
Think long and hard about the ‘last resort’ argument
we all heard used for his presidency back in ’16.
Still don’t know?
Reporting In The Media
On His Broken Promise
“Trump often said he was the first president to give away his salary,
but he was wrong: Herbert Hoover and John F. Kennedy both did it previously.“
The real story here is the small number of mainstream outlets that haven’t printed anything about his failure to deliver on this key campaign promise the final year of his presidency. Where is everyyone at on this, and why wasn’t this yelled from the top of every mountain when it was first discovered? This is a bad sign that the full perspective being reported by the mainstream media is omitting significant facts. It makes sense, though. Who owns the mainstream media outlets? The people he provided with historic concentrations of wealth to the last time, and they are exactly who he plans to do the same for this time. This appears to be a simple case of ‘haves’ and ‘Have nots.’
Another interesting aspect of this Schedule are the
real estate taxes paid for his properties
throughout the United States of america.