Promises, Promises

This one should only need the image below of the
Republican candidate for President’s Schedule A
accompanying the Form 1040 filed
for his final year in office, 2020.

See More On The INDIVIDUAL 1 Page

Still missing what
should be there?

Think long and hard about the ‘last resort’ argument
we all heard used for his presidency back in ’16.

Still don’t know?

Reporting In The Media
On His Broken Promise

“In the aftermath of his tax returns coming to light, The New York Times reported that Trump did indeed donate his personal income to charity 2017 through 2019, totaling nearly $3 million. However, any and all charitable efforts came to a dead stop in 2020. Trump’s tax returns reveal that he did not, as he said he would, donate his entire presidential salary to charity in 2020. He didn’t donate any of it.