Cancelled Contracts

Independently Obtained List

The list below was obtained from a tracker of government contracts when the list on the DOGEbag website was at 658 lines. This list with 1070 lines is a more complete listing of the cancelled contracts by the current administration than the previously mentioned list with less than 700 line items, but the DOGEbags updated their list with one of over 1100 entries yesterday. The only problem is that this list does not contain many of their new updates, so it seems safe to assume there are even more contracts cut that aren’t fully captured in their updated list. Why is that?

This color coding key on the right at the top of the list is a keyword reference for the associated lines that are highlighted with the corresponding color code, and the four columns do the right are general areas that the contracts deal with. USAID contracts have been included in this list, but removing those shows a much more directed approach to the contract cancellations. Support Services, education & training, and evaluations of current policies to determine effectiveness have conspicuously been the overwhelming majority of ended contracts. Many of these support services will be required in order for government to do what it is intended to do, and it should be a reasonable goal to have a better trained government workforce. The cancellation of leadership trainings stands out as a focused intent of the cancellations, which bodes ill for the quality of work completed by our federal government as a whole